(Note: there won't be anything new up here for a few days. I will be traveling back to Michigan by car tomorrow for a wedding on Saturday seriously, what is the deal with fall weddings? I will try to have my post game piece up late Sunday or early Monday, then jump back into regular posting (hopefully bringing back Midwest Madness and Coast to Coast now that we have more competitive games). Enjoy your weekend everybody.)
((Let's celebrate! |
At the end of August I decided that I would start a blog to find a positive output for all the time I spent reading and thinking about Michigan football. Drawing inspiration from the header at mgoblog "hope is a many dreaded thing" and the movie Judge Dread for my title, I started writing, hoping that I could find an interesting and unique take on the team, players, and games. Now, one month later, this site has just climbed over 10,000 page views on 35 total posts. The feedback from friends, family, and commenters has been incredibly supportive. I am thrilled and humbled to have this much success this early.
I owe this success in large part to the wide community of Michigan fans online. First and foremost, Brian at mgoblog, who has provided me with a much larger audience than I could have ever gained on my own. Dave at Maize and Brew has also liked my work enough to spread the word, as well as the guys at The Wolverine Blog and MVictors for providing a link to my site. I can't forget the guys at the WLA for getting me through a rough 2007 offseason and introducing me to the wide community of Michigan fans online with links to Varsity Blue and mgoblog.
Most of all, I want to thank everyone who has taken time to read something over here at Dreaded Judgement. I hope you have all enjoyed reading this stuff as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Thank you, everyone.
And most importantly: Go Blue!
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